Monday, March 16, 2009


just an update for those who missed our meeting last night. first of all if you are still having trouble finding the book, check out there was some chit chat about the old man in the big chair from the Easter morning t.v. show. then we discussed what Antonucci said about the Bible being full of historical accounts that it is able to be proven or disproven. how some of the most influential theologians of all time have started with the plan of disproving the Bible and become followers because there is proof that the stories are real.
then we got really into what the first century Christians looked like and what Christianity looks like in America today. how the author expected to find people like the first century Christians when he went to church and didn't find that at all.
we talked about what a follower should look like. we talked about what followers of Christ look like in other countries vs. here in America. the big difference we see is that there is an UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. the love we show for people here seems to be very conditional.
then we began to discuss how different we would look if we really modeled Christ in our lives. how, if we didn't pay so much attention to the "rules", and focused more on really doing what Christ did, following his example. if we did that we wouldn't be focusing on the "rules", the "rules" would fall into place because Jesus is perfect.
we talked about what a "dangerous prayer" was. we talked about how it's scary to ask God to use us, to do His will with our lives, we don't know what He will do. we then discussed that if God really is in control and we truly believe that then there is no "dangerous" or "scary" prayer.
we talked about how if God showed us everything, the whole plan then we wouldn't need to have faith in Him. we are supposed to have faith. we talked about how it is difficult to do what we should, because we are affected by those around us and what they think of us. we talked about whether or not Jesus cared about people's feelings when talking to them. and we figure that He did and He didn't. that it depends on who He was talking to. the point was that He loves everyone, everywhere, everytime, sometimes, though, it's not our feelings that matter.
that's pretty much it. for next week, read chapters 4, 5, and 6. see you @ 8pm on AIM everyone.


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